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pico_qt.h File Reference

A simple quadtree library. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
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struct  qt_rect_t
 Rectangle for representing bounds. More...


#define PICO_QT_VALUE_TYPE   uint32_t


typedef float qt_float
 Single precision floating point type.
typedef PICO_QT_VALUE_TYPE qt_value_t
 Node value type (default: uint32_t)
typedef struct qt_t qt_t
 Quadtree data structure.


qt_rect_t qt_make_rect (qt_float x, qt_float y, qt_float w, qt_float h)
 Utility function for creating a rectangle.
qt_tqt_create (qt_rect_t bounds, int max_depth, void *mem_ctx)
 Creates a quadtree with the specified global bounds.
void qt_destroy (qt_t *qt)
 Destroys a quadtree.
void qt_reset (qt_t *qt)
 Removes all nodes in the tree.
void qt_insert (qt_t *qt, qt_rect_t bounds, qt_value_t value)
 Inserts a value with the specified bounds into a quadtree.
bool qt_remove (qt_t *qt, qt_value_t value)
 Searches for and removes a value in a quadtree.
qt_value_tqt_query (const qt_t *qt, qt_rect_t area, int *size)
 Returns all values associated with items that are either overlapping or contained within the search area.
qt_rect_tqt_grid_rects (const qt_t *qt, int *size)
 Returns all bounds associated with the quadtree's recursive grid structure.
void qt_free (qt_t *qt, void *array)
 Function for deallocating arrays.
void qt_clear (qt_t *qt)
 Removes all items in the tree.
void qt_clean (qt_t *qt)
 Resets the tree and reinserts all items.

Detailed Description

A simple quadtree library.

Licensing information at end of header



This library builds and manages Quadtrees.

A quadtree is a data structure that can be used to perform efficient spatial queries. Items (values + bounds) are inserted into the tree. During this process, space in a quadtree is subdivided to make subsequent retrieval fast. Queries return values for all items that are contained within or overlap the search area.

Currently, values are numeric. If uintptr_t is used they can also store a pointer. An integer value could represent an entity ID, an array index, a key for a hashtable etc...


There is a tradeoff between space and time complexity. Lower depth values have smaller space requirements, but higher search times. Indeed, a tree with a depth of zero reduces to a linear bounds check. Higher values speed up searches, but at the cost of increased space. There are, however, diminishing returns with regard to increasing the max depth too high. Eventually all of the additional space is wasted with no benefit to performance.


To use this library in your project, add the following

‍#define PICO_QT_IMPLEMENTATION #include "pico_qt.h"

to a source file (once), then simply include the header normally.

Must be defined before PICO_QT_IMPLEMENTATION


A few macros can be overridden simply by defining them before including this source file. Here is a list of them.


Macro Definition Documentation


#define PICO_QT_VALUE_TYPE   uint32_t

Typedef Documentation

◆ qt_float

typedef float qt_float

Single precision floating point type.

◆ qt_value_t

Node value type (default: uint32_t)

◆ qt_t

typedef struct qt_t qt_t

Quadtree data structure.

Function Documentation

◆ qt_make_rect()

qt_rect_t qt_make_rect ( qt_float  x,
qt_float  y,
qt_float  w,
qt_float  h 

Utility function for creating a rectangle.

◆ qt_create()

qt_t * qt_create ( qt_rect_t  bounds,
int  max_depth,
void *  mem_ctx 

Creates a quadtree with the specified global bounds.

boundsThe global bounds
max_depthMaximum height of the quadtree. See the summary for more
A quadtree instance

◆ qt_destroy()

void qt_destroy ( qt_t qt)

Destroys a quadtree.

qtThe quadtree instance to destroy

◆ qt_reset()

void qt_reset ( qt_t qt)

Removes all nodes in the tree.

qtThe quadtree instance

◆ qt_insert()

void qt_insert ( qt_t qt,
qt_rect_t  bounds,
qt_value_t  value 

Inserts a value with the specified bounds into a quadtree.

qtThe quadtree instance
boundsThe bounds associated with the value
valueThe value to store in the tree

◆ qt_remove()

bool qt_remove ( qt_t qt,
qt_value_t  value 

Searches for and removes a value in a quadtree.

This function is very inefficient. If numerous values need to be removed and reinserted it is advisable to simply rebuild the tree.

qtThe quadtree instance
valueThe value to remove
True if the item was found, and false otherwise

◆ qt_query()

qt_value_t * qt_query ( const qt_t qt,
qt_rect_t  area,
int *  size 

Returns all values associated with items that are either overlapping or contained within the search area.

qtThe quadtree instance
areaThe search area
sizeThe number of values returned
The values of items contained within the search area. This array is dynamically allocated and should be deallocated by using qt_free after use

◆ qt_grid_rects()

qt_rect_t * qt_grid_rects ( const qt_t qt,
int *  size 

Returns all bounds associated with the quadtree's recursive grid structure.

You must free this array with qt_free when done. This function is useful for e.g. debug rendering the tree's grid-like structure.

qtThe quadtree instance.
sizeThe number of elements in the returned array.
For each node in the quadtree there are four bounds associated. All bounds are collated into a single dynamically allocated array.

◆ qt_free()

void qt_free ( qt_t qt,
void *  array 

Function for deallocating arrays.

This function can deallocate arrays returned from qt_query or from qt_grid_rects.

◆ qt_clear()

void qt_clear ( qt_t qt)

Removes all items in the tree.

This function preserves the internal structure of the tree making it much faster than qt_reset. Reinserting values is probably faster too, however, repeated calls to this function may result in fragmentation of the tree. The function qt_clean can repair this fragmentation, however, it is expensive.

qtThe quadtree instance

◆ qt_clean()

void qt_clean ( qt_t qt)

Resets the tree and reinserts all items.

This function can repair fragmentation resulting from repeated use of qt_remove or qt_clear. This is an expensive operation since it must extract all of the items from the tree, remove all of the nodes, and then reinsert all of the items.

qtThe quadtree instance